Computational, mathematical, and statistical tools are essential to research in the biological sciences. The University of Chicago has had a long tradition of excellence in these areas, and to continue that tradition, we have developed a focused curriculum to train students in these areas.

Specifically, here we describe a computational track of courses that can be used towards degree requirements in the Genomics, Genetics, and Systems Biology Committee PhD program and the Human Genetics Departmental PhD program. If you are interested in the track, you would apply to either of those programs and then join the track.

The curriculum trains students to address fundamental biological questions and to master the three skillsets that are core to computational genomics research: probabilistic modeling, statistical inference, and computational algorithms & data structures. This currriculum is also unique in its focus on communication skills, both in terms of writing and speaking. This emphasis emerges from a perspective that computational biologists need to clearly explain complex algorithms and results in order to both effectively share their research products and to collaborate with diversely trained colleagues.

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